Model input

To run STEP-TRAMM you need maps of elevation and landcover, and information on rainfall event and soil properties. We propose to use the following publicibly available data bases to obtain this information:

Elevation map

Digital elevation data from external pageSRTM with 30 m resolution can be downloaded. You need an account on external pageearthexplorer.

DEM data base

Forest map

Global forest maps and deforestation with resolution of 30 m can be external pagedownloaded from University of Maryland.

Data base forest map


Global rainfall information over several years can be found in external pageCMORPH data base (with temporal resolution of 3 hours and 0.25 degrees spatial resolution)


Soil type

The external pageSoilGrids data base provides soil information with spatial resolution of 250 m. STEP-TRAMM needs the soil textural class for a specific site that can be deduced from sand, silt and clay fraction.

Soil Grids data base
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